Elenco Electronics is pleased to announce the latest addition to its line of quality soldering products: The SL-5 Soldering Station. It is electronically controlled to provide 5 to 40 or 60 watts and is ideal for professionals, students, and hobbyists. The unit includes a holder funnel for the iron, sponge pad for cleaning the tip and an on/off indicator light. A special safety feature (patent-pending) of the SL-5 is its ground fault detection circuit /K , which warns you if your station is not properly connected to earth ground, if your hot and ground wires are reversed. This is important when working with today's static-sensitive electronic components and is critical when working with high-voltage circuitry. It can also detect problems in the electrical .outlet it is connected to.
Features:  bullet Ground Fault Safety Circuit 
Turns on when the following problems
  1. Open Ground.
  2. Hot and Ground Reversed (Bright when Switch is Off, Dim with Switch On). 
  3. Hot and Neutral Reversed.
bulletCushion Grip Handle Soldering Iron with Grounded Tip for Soldering Static- Sensitive Devices. Easily Replaceable. Uses Long-Life, Plated Conical Tip. (SR-6-40W Iron. UL Listed) (SR-7 - 60W Iron. UL Listed)  bulletHeavy Steel, Non-Slip Base. Iron Holder Funnel - Reversible, left or right side.  bulletSteel Tray for Sponge Pad.  bulletSponge Pad.  bulletPower On/Off with Indicator Light.


General Electronic Repairs:
The right heat for all repairs and 
electronic projects. Student Projects:
Adjustable temperature for any lab
 assignment or project.






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